Rise to change your story is a mental health practice based in New York City which provides mental health services to individuals, couples and families struggling in their relationships with themselves, others and/or with money/spending.
Rise to change your story emerged from our belief, that we make meaning of our life, victories and struggles through the stories we live out, the stories we internalize about ourselves and the ones we share when we interact with others. Our life stories emerge, are shaped (and also limited) by our social, cultural, familiar and interpersonal contexts. We all learn the standards by which we measure ourselves and each other through the stories we see and hear, and by the stories we tell each other.
We believe that during difficult times in life, we tend to be more vulnerable and we have a sense of being stuck in stories that usually restrict the possibilities we perceive for a better life. There is nothing wrong with us for that. Sometimes we manage to figure things on our own but sometimes we don’t. It happens. We cannot possibly have all the solutions for all the challenges we encounter, and therapy is one way to figure things out in the context of a supportive environment where you can further explore different options that you may have not considered.
Our work is based on helping people explore and experience some alternative story lines that may already exist in their lives or may have existed, but have been forgotten or overshadowed. In our practice our mission is to support you to rise and change your story. A story with themes and plots that are more satisfying, more fulfilling, more empowering and more aligned with what matters the most to you. We believe such stories are always there if we look for them. We believe TODAY IS THE DAY TO RISE AND CHANGE YOUR STORY.