Aging Parents? How to Cope with Changes and How to Support Them

Watching your parents grow older can be emotionally challenging. Even if they are healthy, you might suddenly feel more conscious about the passage of time. It can even prompt you to think about your own mortality.

And if your parents need a higher level of support as time goes on, you might take on responsibilities that you didn’t necessarily feel ready for. But as your parents age, you can embrace this time and find opportunities to grow closer as a family.

Here are a few tips that may help you accept the idea of your parents aging and cope with the changes that come along with it.

Spend More Time Together

Unfortunately, none of us have forever to spend with our loved ones. That’s why it’s so important to take every chance you have to spend time with your parents as they get older.

Time is limited, and while it is not always pleasant to acknowledge this, you’ll be thankful that you spent more time with your parents in their golden years. And if you don’t live near your parents, make it a point to call them more often. They will definitely be happy to hear from you!

Reflect on Memories

Do you ever wish that you knew more about your parents’ childhoods? Have you wondered what your great-grandparents were like? Maybe you wonder what your parents were like when they were in high school, or what kinds of challenges they faced while they were building their life together.

Now is the time to ask! Your parents will love reminiscing about their younger years with you, and you’ll learn lots more about them.

Coordinate with Healthcare Providers

If your parents are struggling with medical issues, what can you do to help? You might not feel like there is much you can do, but helping them navigate everything from paying medical bills to coordinating with their healthcare providers can make life a bit easier for them.

Dealing with the healthcare system can be complicated for seniors. Having an advocate takes some of the stress away. You can be an effective advocate for your parents by taking on some of these duties.

Communicate with Other Relatives

Do you feel like your family has drifted apart somewhat as you’ve all grown up? Perhaps you don’t get together as often as you used to, or maybe you rarely hear from relatives you used to see all the time when you were a child.

As everyone gets older and busier, it can be harder to schedule big family gatherings. But if you want to bring everyone back together for the sake of your parents, it might be time to make some phone calls and coordinating schedules. Making the effort to come together as a family can put smiles on your parents’ faces.

Encourage Their Favorite Hobbies

For many seniors, keeping up with their old hobbies can get more difficult as time goes on. This is especially true of hobbies that require a higher level of physical fitness. But seniors who completely give up on their hobbies might feel lonely, bored, or stagnant.

If you’ve noticed that your parents have been losing interest in some of their favorite activities, it might be time to encourage them to pick up some new activities. You can even offer to accompany them to free community events if they need a helping hand!

Are you struggling to cope with your parents’ growing older, or are you anxious about taking on caregiver responsibilities? Therapy can help. Reach out to us today to discuss your options for scheduling your first session.